Tag Archives: Michele Rosenthal
Is there a trauma-addiction connection?
Is there a trauma-addiction connection? Adverse childhood experiences (trauma) are well known to significantly increase the risk of psychiatric disorders in adulthood. Ample evidence has shown that childhood trauma endangers the brain’s development, structure and function. Several traumatic experiences could make a person susceptible, … Continue reading
Posted in Addiction, Alcoholism, Anger, Drug Addiction, Gambling Addiction, love addiction, Recovery Coaching, Sex Addiction, Uncategorized
Tagged American Psychological Association, Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being. American Journal of Psychiatry, BE Saunders, Department of Veterans Affairs, DG Kilpatrick, dw sMITH, HealMyPTSD.com, KL Mills, L Peters, Living with Addiction, M Teesson, Michele Rosenthal, National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Program, PTSD, U.S. Department of Justice, www.apa.org
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Addiction is a Symptom of Untreated Trauma
I am a recovery coach. A recovery coach or sober companion is often called in to work with the most difficult addict, the chronic relapser. A chronic relapser is an individual that has been to several rehabs, often 7, 8 … Continue reading
Posted in Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Family Dynamics, Uncategorized
Tagged ACE Survey, Addiction, Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, dr. gabor mate, Drug Addiction, Kaiser Permanente Health Appraisal Clinic, Michele Rosenthal, san diego, the effects of trauma causes addiction, Trauma and Addiction: 7 Reasons Your Habit Makes Perfect Sense, trauma
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