Tag Archives: Faces and Voices of Recovery
What do I need to be a recovery coach?
What do I need to be a recovery coach? Continue reading
Is Recovery Coaching Effective?
Treatment professionals and researchers are calling for a change in the treatment model for substance use disorders (SUD). This change calls for shedding the acute care model (28 days of SUD treatment will fix you) to a continuum of care … Continue reading
On the Role of Peers in Recovery
This article was published in thefix.com on June 10,2015. Click here for the article: http://www.thefix.com/tags/professional-voices Do peers have a unique way of connecting with clients? As the treatment of addiction moves inexorably toward inclusion in the larger healthcare system, with … Continue reading
How does a Recovery Coach work with a Treatment Team?
Recovery coaching services are starting to be more widely used, more often within the finest treatment centers. Yet, there are still addicts in crisis, or families with loved ones in inpatient substance-abuse treatment that are unaware that such services exist. Many … Continue reading