Tag Archives: Charles Duhigg
Ten ways of Improving Your Chances of Keeping that New Year’s Resolution
Make a list and think it through It’s that time and everyone is thinking of New Year’s Resolutions. You’re itching to get rid of that bad habit right now, but consider this: think it through. I know you have heard … Continue reading
Believe Change is Possible
As a recovery coach, I work with people trying to change a habit. We work on finding different ways of responding to a trigger. For some seeking recovery, they want to find an easier, softer way. Others think willpower is all they need … Continue reading
Changing a Habit
Quitting drinking or drugging is the same as developing an exercise program or winning a football game. Simply by changing a habit, you can succeed in staying sober. Charles Duhigg investigates this theory in his 2012 book, The Power of Habit. Duhigg … Continue reading