K9-Free and Effective Porn Blocker for MacBook and iPhones

block porn

As a recovery coach, I have been asked by many a porn addict, “what is an effective block to use on their digital equipment?” I say K9. The added bonus – K9  is free. But it is difficult to install. Fortunately, Dr Todd Love, PsyD, JD, MBA, LPC, CSAT, S-PSB, DCC has perfected downloading and installing the highly recommended K9 Web Protection app on Apple products, including MAC computers, MacBooks, iPads and iPhones. Dr Love wants to share this with you.

Dr. Love is a former IT professional (nearly 15 years as a corporate techie before becoming a psychologist). He specializes in treating cybersex addicts in his practice. Dr. Love has spent years and years (and years and years), setting-up blocks on clients’ systems and then had these clients find ways around the block. The result, in his expert opinion, is a HIGHLY robust and effective, porn-blocking tool.

For myriad valid reasons, we all spend a large proportion of our time online. So the concept of not having Internet access is antediluvian. Further, using an archaic flip phone is not an option for a career professional in today’s world. Dr Love’s clients require “fully secured, yet fully functional” technology device(s). This is why Dr. Love developed these install instructions for K9.

Dr. Love is very tech savvy and has documented the K9 configuration for your digital equipment in a 3-part blog series that walks through the details of how to set it up. Below is his personal porn-blocking solution. He has specifically developed a MacBook + iPhone combination that is, in my opinion, really good. It’s somewhat complex, so be prepared. Perhaps invite a geek in a “S” recovery program to assist in the install. The 3-part blog series is on Dr. Love’s website, and the links are below. Feel free to share this information.

IT is a work in motion, as technology is ever-changing…. Feel free to ask Dr. Love questions, send comments, etc.

Todd L. Love, PsyD, JD, MBA, LPC, CSAT, S-PSB,




Athens, Georgia


About Melissa Killeen

Executive coach for recovering leaders
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