Fortify-A free online program to help battle pornography addiction

Fortify-logoWhat would be better than a free program for individuals 20 years and younger to use to battle their porn addiction? After all, statistics show that 93% of all boys have been exposed to pornography by the age of 18, and 70% of these boys have spent at least 30 minutes viewing porn at least once. Of the entire population of young men, only three percent have never viewed porn, and of the entire young female population, only 17% have never viewed porn. So no matter what you might think — your child has viewed porn.

Fortify is a perfect tool to help change behavior and it is designed to be used on any device, a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. It is free, and does not require any parental approval to download. The program is also available for adults that find themselves in the throes of a pornography addiction.

Young people between the ages of 13-20 will have free access to the Fortify Program, thanks to the generous donations of others. For anyone else 21 years of age or older the cost is $39. Fortify suggests each adult subscriber donate $39. to cover the fee for one teenager, this sponsorship is optional. Of course, for those adults who are able, Fortify will gladly accept additional sponsorships.

Once a login username and password have been issued, the user will always have access to the Fortify Program. The Fortify Program has fifty-two short videos that cover the science of addiction, the harms of pornography, tools and other helpful information to empower the user to overcome pornography. It is recommended to move through the software in 3 months to fully complete the Fortify program, but everyone’s recovery pace varies. Just as everyone’s level of addiction is different, everyone’s recovery will be different.

There are some really interesting features, like a calendar called “battle tracker” that will allow the user to record victories and setbacks. Not only can a user record the day that they had a setback but also the time, location, and device used. Tracking this information will help them see trends and triggers, allowing for necessary changes to be made.

The Fortify Program is largely self-directed. The commitment to, and application of what is learned, is vital to any success. It is not just watching some videos to fix the addiction. This is going to take work. Fortify is not just a standalone solution to a pornography addiction. Along with help from a therapist, and/or group therapy, individuals can stand united in this battle against pornography addiction. It is a good idea to find a clinician who understands pornography addiction and the Fortify Program. It is recommended to engage with a 12-step, mutual support group such as Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, Sexaholics Anonymous and/or Sex Addicts Anonymous which can help adults in this recovery process, as well.

If you’ve got more questions, email the creators of Fortify at

About Melissa Killeen

Executive coach for recovering leaders
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