Category Archives: Drug Addiction
The Recovery Support that is Available Following Overdose
What subsequently happens to people who experience a drug overdose and are successfully rescued through emergency medical intervention? What is their fate after they leave the hospital or other emergency care setting? Missing in the media coverage of the unrelenting … Continue reading
What is a recovery coach?
In 2013, I published Recovery Coaching – A Guide to Coaching People in Recovery from Addictions, since then the duties and responsibilities of recovery coaches, peer recovery support specialists and professional recovery coaches have expanded significantly. In this article, I … Continue reading
Lions, Tigers, Bears and the Yellow Brick Road to Recovery
This is a guest post by Steve Devlin, a recovery coach from Philadelphia PA, and a long time friend. I chose to post this over the Holiday weekend, because it brings me such joy, and brings back wonderful memories of watching … Continue reading
What is a recovery coach?
What is a recovery coach, a peer recovery support specialist or a professional recovery coach? In 2013, I published Recovery Coaching – A Guide to Coaching People in Recovery from Addictions, since then the duties and responsibilities of recovery coaches, … Continue reading
Getting through the tough times
As a recovery coach, I often see my clients need help getting through the tough times, without using, picking up or acting out. Recently, I personally encountered some rough patches in my life, so, I went to my library of … Continue reading
Is Recovery Coaching Effective?
Treatment professionals and researchers are calling for a change in the treatment model for substance use disorders (SUD). This change calls for shedding the acute care model (28 days of SUD treatment will fix you) to a continuum of care … Continue reading
The Top Ten Warning Signs You Are Talking to an Online Catfisher-Part 4
How can you protect yourself from a Catfisher or an online predator? Why do they do what they do? Catfishers want something from you. These are people that are not motivated by love, but are driven by money, perverse sexual … Continue reading
A Call for Clinical Humility in Addiction Treatment
by William White and video featuring Chris Budnick The history of addiction treatment includes a pervasive and cautionary thread: the potential to do great harm in the name of help. The technical term for such injury, iatrogenesis (physician-caused or treatment-caused … Continue reading
How Adverse Childhood Experiences affects long term health – a TED MED Talk by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, during her TED-Med talk presents the benefits of the Adverse Childhood Experience study and the substantiated affects the study has brought forth on how childhood trauma can impact the quality of one’s health and length of a … Continue reading
Faces and Voices in Recovery Develops an Addiction Recovery Toolkit
Faces and Voices in Recovery Partnering with Members of Congress to Offer Comprehensive Addiction Resources Faces & Voices of Recovery, in collaboration with the Addiction Policy Forum and the House of Representatives Bipartisan Task Force to Combat the Heroin Epidemic … Continue reading
Recovery Coaching Texas Prison Style
Kyle Gage lives in Longview, Texas, and he is a recovery coach. Longview is a little oil and manufacturing town a couple of hours east of Dallas-Ft Worth and about an hour west of Shreveport, Louisiana. The small town has … Continue reading
Ten ways of Improving Your Chances of Keeping that New Year’s Resolution
Make a list and think it through It’s that time and everyone is thinking of New Year’s Resolutions. You’re itching to get rid of that bad habit right now, but consider this: think it through. I know you have heard … Continue reading
Believe Change is Possible
As a recovery coach, I work with people trying to change a habit. We work on finding different ways of responding to a trigger. For some seeking recovery, they want to find an easier, softer way. Others think willpower is all they need … Continue reading
Changing a Habit
Quitting drinking or drugging is the same as developing an exercise program or winning a football game. Simply by changing a habit, you can succeed in staying sober. Charles Duhigg investigates this theory in his 2012 book, The Power of Habit. Duhigg … Continue reading
Stop calling it behavioral health!
Stop calling it behavioral health! Does the term cause stigma and discrimination? By Robert Kent JD and Charles Morgan MD Reprinted from, originally published on 11/12/15 When somebody is treated for smoking cessation, the care will probably be provided … Continue reading
Service keeps you sober — Research is proving this age-old slogan
Ever since I walked into the rooms, I heard the phrase “Service keeps you sober.” I already knew I was a helping type of person, in fact in my addiction it was called being a rescuer. So I stayed away … Continue reading
On the Nature of Addiction and the Loss of Hope
Guest post by David Chapman The normal state of a productive and happy human existence includes a sense of hope. The nature of addiction exhausts all sense of hope. The sense of hope is based on the understanding that the process of productive … Continue reading
How can you heal the trauma within?
Trauma changes you. You might not necessarily like that change. How can you heal the trauma within? You have the ability to transform yourself into a healthier person. You have enormous healing potential; the goal is learning to access it—and … Continue reading