Monthly Archives: December 2015
Ten ways of Improving Your Chances of Keeping that New Year’s Resolution
Make a list and think it through It’s that time and everyone is thinking of New Year’s Resolutions. You’re itching to get rid of that bad habit right now, but consider this: think it through. I know you have heard … Continue reading
Believe Change is Possible
As a recovery coach, I work with people trying to change a habit. We work on finding different ways of responding to a trigger. For some seeking recovery, they want to find an easier, softer way. Others think willpower is all they need … Continue reading
Changing a Habit
Quitting drinking or drugging is the same as developing an exercise program or winning a football game. Simply by changing a habit, you can succeed in staying sober. Charles Duhigg investigates this theory in his 2012 book, The Power of Habit. Duhigg … Continue reading
Stop calling it behavioral health!
Stop calling it behavioral health! Does the term cause stigma and discrimination? By Robert Kent JD and Charles Morgan MD Reprinted from, originally published on 11/12/15 When somebody is treated for smoking cessation, the care will probably be provided … Continue reading