Monthly Archives: April 2015
How can I get more sleep?
Sleep has a potent effect on the addicted brain There are many tools available to a recovery coach. Information on the importance of sleep is one of them. Sleep is a necessity for everyone, including those in recovery from addiction. … Continue reading
Why I can’t make a good decision when I am fatigued?
Fatigue takes a toll on the brain In the August 2004 issue of the journal Sleep, Dr. Timothy Roehrs, the Director of Research at the Sleep Disorders and Research Center at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, published one of the first … Continue reading
I can’t go to sleep!
Can I function on less than 8 hours of sleep? Sleep is essential for a person’s health and well-being, according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). A recent poll taken by the NSF found that many people can’t sleep more … Continue reading
I am Lonely, Part Three
What Can I Do? John Cacioppo author and researcher on loneliness, offers a few tips on how to overcome being lonely: Recognize that loneliness is a sign that something needs to change. Notice your self-deflating thoughts. We often create self-centered … Continue reading
I am Lonely, Part Two
The Research on Loneliness Have you ever been all alone at a party? Are you perfectly content sitting home reading a book or watching Hulu? Even though you secretly hate sitting at home watching Hulu? Do you have a need … Continue reading